Sunday, January 8, 2012

Green Monster Smoothie!

I'm so excited for this post! I have been wanting to try this smoothie since I first saw it like at least a year ago! I wasn't too sure of it at first.....I mean it's green! A pretty green, yes......however, still green!

My hubby got me a Oyster Smoothie Blend and Go Cup for Christmas :) I LOVE it!!!! It's SO convenient - all you do is blend it right in the cup and switch lids - barely any cleanup! Just my type of kitchen gadget! lol 

I've been making the usual smoothies which are good - like strawberry/blueberry with oatmeal - however, I wanted something a little bit more.

Doesn't that look beautiful?!

This is chock full of vitamins like A, C, K, iron, fiber, folate, and lutein..........Leutin is an antioxidant that promotes good eye health, and may help prevent cancer of the liver, ovaries, colon and prostate, and even dementia.

There are loads of people who claim that green smoothies help....

  •  smooth and clear skin exponentially
  • decrease acne
  • increase energy levels
  • speed up hair and nail growth
  • encourage shinier, healthier hair
  • improve overall feelings of health
So what's to lose?! Plus as my hubby and I discovered....they are DELICIOUS!!!! They don't even taste healthy!

Here are the basic ingredients: 
  • Full-Fat, Organic Yogurt (3 Tbsp): For the creaminess, and the protein
  • Spinach or Kale (1-2 handfuls): It just wouldn’t be a raw, fresh, green smoothie without one of these two ingredients 
  • Banana (1 whole, peeled, frozen banana): To add body, potassium, and creaminess to the smoothie
 Other Things You Can Use in a Green Smoothie:
  • Fruits of any shape, taste or size (I used frozen strawberries - if you use a colored berry such as blueberries your smoothie will turn brown!)
  • Oatmeal (I LOVE adding oatmeal to smoothies! They really help to fill you up!)
  • Peanut butter
  • Honey, agave, stevia, or other sweeteners
  • Wheatgrass, Kale, or any other type of healthy green powdered veggie/grass
  • Ground flax seeds, hemp hearts, maca powder, chia seeds
  • Milk (cow, almond, coconut, rice, almond, etc.)
  • Veggies of any shape, taste, or size
  • Flavorings like vanilla extract, orange extract, molasses (VERY healthy), and more
  • Cocoa powder
  • Coffee or tea
  • The kitchen sink

 From what I've found there really are no set rules for a green smoothie other than the green part :) Though, I have read  that you do not want to leave out the banana - apparently the banana is what "cancels" out the "green taste".

Here is the smoothie that I made today
  • 3 Tbsp Organic Vanilla Yogurt
  • about 1/2 cup milk
  • one full banana - sliced
  • about 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • about 1 Tbsp honey
(I put "about" with a few of them because I really don't measure the ingredients, I just put in what looks right and after I blend it sometimes it will be too thick so I will add in more milk or too thin so I will add another frozen strawberry or some protein powder)

Blend all together in a blender and enjoy!!!

Here is my daughter enjoying her green monster! Wouldn't she be surprised to learn that there is spinach in it!

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